Mark Osterman, “A Thin Veil”, 2014, Tintype, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, ©Mark Osterman / Courtesy of Photo Gallery International

Mark Osterman, “A Thin Veil”, 2014, Tintype, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, ©Mark Osterman / Courtesy of Photo Gallery International

Yuji Hamada, P_11 From the series “photograph” ©Yuji Hamada / Courtesy of Photo Gallery International

Yuji Hamada, P_11 From the series “photograph” ©Yuji Hamada / Courtesy of Photo Gallery International

France Scully Osterman, Second Embrace, From the series “Sleep”, 2002 ©France Scully Osterman

France Scully Osterman, Second Embrace, From the series “Sleep”, 2002 ©France Scully Osterman

Photo Gallery International (P.G.I.)

〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦4-12-32
TEL 03-3455-7827
月-金 11:00-19:00
土 11:00-18:00
日祝と展示の無い土曜日 休廊


4-12-32 Shibaura Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 108-0023 Japan
TEL +81-3-3455-7827
Mon.-Fri. 11:00-19:00
Sat. 11:00-18:00
Closed Sun., National Holidays and Sat. without exhibition




Photography captures not only fragments of life but also a universal reality, which transcends time and place. Since opening in 1979, Photo Gallery International has served as a place that people visit to look at actual prints in person. It has continuously introduced works by both domestic and foreign artists whose works are representative of their era.

アンセル・アダムス / ロバート・アダムス / ウィン・バロック / ハリー・キャラハン / リンダ・コナー / 石元泰博 / 伊藤義彦 / 川田喜久治 / 今道子 / 原直久 / 三好耕三 / ペンティ・サマラッティ / 佐藤信太郎 / 清家冨夫 / アーロン・シスキン / ジョージ・タイス / エドワード・ウェストン / 八木清 / オサム・ジェームス・中川 / 添野和幸 / 新井卓 / 濱田祐史 / 他


Ansel Adams / Robert Adams / Wynn Bullock / Harry Callahan / Linda Connor / Yasuhiro Ishimoto / Yoshihiko Ito / Kikuji Kawada / Michiko Kon / Naohisa Hara / Kozo Miyoshi / Pentti Sammallahti / Shintaro Sato / Tomio Seike / Aaron Siskind / George Tice / Edward Weston / Kiyoshi Yagi / Osamu James Nakagawa / Kazuyuki Soeno / Takashi Arai / Yuji Hamada / etc.