© Harbie Yamaguchi Courtesy of Harbie Yamaguchi

© Harbie Yamaguchi Courtesy of Harbie Yamaguchi

集まれ!こどもフォトグラファー!with ハービー・山口

9月27日(日) / 10:00〜14:00

/ Kids Workshop

会場: ヒルサイドテラス E-Lobby(東京都渋谷区猿楽町29-18ヒルサイドテラスE棟)、ヒルサイドテラス周辺

講師: ハービー・山口(写真家)

参加費: 3,000円

対象: 小学生

定員: 10名













10:00‐10:15 ワークショップの趣旨説明

10:15‐10:30 カメラの使い方レクチャー

10:30-11:30 カメラ遊び(影遊び撮影、セルフポート撮影など)

11:30‐12:30 お昼休憩

12:30‐13:30  代官山の街に出て撮影

13:30‐14:00 感想会

















One Day Children's Photography Workshop with Harbie Yamaguchi

September 27 (Sun) / 10:00am - 2:00pm

/ Kids Workshop

Place: Hillside Terrace E-Lobby (29-18 Building E Sarugakucho Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) and around Hillside Terrace

Instructor: Harbie Yamaguchi (Photographer)

Fee: ¥3,000

Age requirement: Elementary school

Maximum number of participants: 10

Note: This workshop is conducted in Japanese.

Prior registration is required.

Book via: http://ptix.co/1JTLfW5

Inquiry: event@dpf.tokyo


In this experiential workshop by Mirai Tree*, photographer Harbie Yamaguchi, who has shot Daikanyama for many years, will show children the joys of interacting with people through photography and discovering beauty in the everyday. Participating children will go out into the streets of Daikanyama and photograph products, shop clerks, and other people who live in Daikanyama. They will also play with and shoot their own shadows and experience the joys of photography. The resulting photographs will be exhibited for a limited time at Petit Bateau Daikanyama, the famous French children’s clothing brand store.


*Mirai Tree is an art after-school that provides care for children between the ages of 3 and 12.


Harbie Yamaguchi, Photographer

Born in 1950 in Tokyo. After earning a bachelor’s degree, he left home for London in 1973, where he stayed for the next decade. Whilst performing on stage as an actor from a theatrical group, he captured the days and a lively record of the development subculture movements, especially the punk scene in the 70’s London. Since then he kept photographing hundreds of people, from artists to everyday people, which eventually became his precious collections of monochrome. His style is well-known for its delicacy and naturalness. His enthusiasm is not limited to photographing: he also writes for magazines and appears on TV and radio.