- Day
- Sept. 11 Sunday (1)
- Sept. 12 Monday (1)
- Sept. 30 Friday (3)
- Oct. 1 Saturday (9)
- Oct. 2 Sunday (2)
- Location
- ANNEX-A (7)
- Category
- Special Exhibition (1)
- Workshop (2)
- Relay Talks (3)
- Talk Session, lecture (8)
トークセッション - Joshua Chuang(キュレーター、ライター、編集者)x 金子隆一(写真史家、写真集コレクター)
17:00 – 18:30
/ ANNEX-A / Talk Session, lecture
スピーカー:Joshua Chuang(キュレーター、ライター、編集者)、金子隆一(写真史家、写真集コレクター)
参加費:各回500円(3回券 1000円, 通し券1500円)
現在、Robert B. Menschel写真部門シニアキュレーター、ニューヨーク公共図書館Wallach Art Divisionにてアソシエート・ディレクターを務める。イェール大学アートギャラリーで同館初の写真専任キュレーターを、その後アリゾナ州にあるクリエイティブフォトグラフィーセンターのチーフ・キュレーターを歴任する。主な企画に、巡回し高い評価を受けた回顧展『Robert Adams: The Place We Live』(イェール大学アートギャラリー, 2008年)、『First Doubt: Optical Confusion in Modern Photography』(イェール大学アートギャラリー, 2008年)、 『Ethan Levitas/Garry Winogrand: Radical Relation』(アルル国際写真祭 、2016年)。キュレーターとしての活動に加え、ロバート・アダムス、リー・フリードランダー、ジュディス・ジョイ・ロス、サントゥ・モフォケング、マーク・ルウェデを含む20以上のアーティストモノグラフへの重要な寄稿を行なっている。
Talk Session - Joshua Chuang (Curator, Writer, Editor) x Ryuichi Kaneko (Photography Historian, Photobook Collector)
October 1 (Sat) / 17:00 – 18:30
/ ANNEX-A / Talk Session, lecture
Speakers: Joshua Chuang (Curator, Writer, Editor), Ryuichi Kaneko (Photography Historian, Photobook Collector)
Site: Hillside Café
Admission: ¥ 500 / session (3 sessions: ¥ 1,000, All sessions: ¥1,500)
Capacity: 40
Booking: First-come basis
Joshua Chuang (Curator, Writer, Editor)
Joshua Chuang is the Robert B. Menschel Senior Curator of Photography and Associate Director of the Wallach Art Division at the New York Public Library. A curator, writer, and editor, he has held positions the Yale University Art Gallery as the museum’s inaugural curator of photography, and at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, Arizona, where he served as chief curator. Among his projects are the acclaimed touring retrospective exhibition Robert Adams: The Place We Live (Yale University Art Gallery, 2008); First Doubt: Optical Confusion in Modern Photography (Yale University Art Gallery, 2008); and Ethan Levitas/Garry Winogrand: Radical Relation (Les Rencontres d’Arles, 2016). In addition to his work as a curator, he has made key contributions to more than twenty artist’s monographs, including those on the work of Robert Adams, Lee Friedlander, Judith Joy Ross, Santu Mofokeng, and Mark Ruwedel.
Ryuichi Kaneko (Historian, Photobook Collector)
Ryuichi Kaneko (b.1948, Tokyo) completed his BA in Geography at Rissho University. He became interested in photobooks in 1960’s and positioned collection of photobooks as his own mission in 1970’s. He sought the way to make a connection with “Photography” through collection of photobooks rather than photographing. In 1980’s he began research on history of photography in earnest based on the relevant photography material. He has authored and contributed to numerous publications including Masterpieces of Japanese Photography (Kokusho Kankokai, 2005-2007), Japanese Photobooks of the 1960s and `70s (Akaaka Art Publishing, 2009). He used to be a curator at Tokyo Photographic Museum ,and is currently a lecturer at Musashino Art University.