- Day
- Sept. 11 Sunday (1)
- Sept. 12 Monday (1)
- Sept. 30 Friday (3)
- Oct. 1 Saturday (9)
- Oct. 2 Sunday (2)
- Location
- ANNEX-A (7)
- Category
- Special Exhibition (1)
- Workshop (2)
- Relay Talks (3)
- Talk Session, lecture (8)
トークセッション「日本の新進作家vol.13 東京・TOKYO展」藤村里美 (東京都写真美術館学芸員、玉川大学非常勤講師)(予定) x 佐藤信太郎(写真家)x 田代一倫(写真家)x 中藤毅彦(写真家) x 野村恵子(写真家)x 元田敬三(写真家)
11:00 – 12:30
/ ANNEX-A / Talk Session, lecture
参加費:各回500円(3回券 1000円, 通し券1500円)
東京都生まれ。多摩美術大学美術学部芸術学科卒業。草月会文化事業部(草月美術館)を経て2002年より現職。専門は日本近代写真史。主な担当展覧会は「写真はものの見方をどのように変えてきたか 第2部創造」展、「表現と技法」展、「米田知子 暗なきところで逢えれば」展など。主な著書『写真の歴史入門 第2部創造』(新潮社、2005年)、共著『光と影の芸術 写真の表現と技法』(平凡社、2012年)など。
1980年福岡県生まれ。九州産業大学大学院修了。2006年より、福岡市にてアジア フォトグラファーズ ギャラリーの設立に参加。2010年に東京都新宿区のphotographers’ galleryに活動の拠点を移し、作品を制作、発表。2006年三木淳賞奨励賞を受賞。2013年さがみはら写真新人奨励賞受賞。
1971年大阪生まれ。桃山学院大学経済学部卒業後、ビジュアルアーツ専門学校大阪入学。 在学中、1996年写真[人間の街]プロジェクト(ガーディアン・ガーデン主催)入選、準太陽賞受賞。1997年より東京ビジュアルアーツ専門学校にて非常勤講師を務める。
Talk Session - “TOKYO: Contemporary Japanese Photography” Satomi Fujimura (Curator at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) x Shintaro Sato (Photographer) x Kazutomo Tashiro (Photographer) x Takehiko Nakafuji (Photographer) x Keiko Nomura (Photographer) x Keizo Motoda (Photographer)
October 1 (Sat) / 11:00 – 12:30
/ ANNEX-A / Talk Session, lecture
Speakers: Satomi Fujimura (Curator at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum)(TBC), Shintaro Sato (Photographer), Kazutomo Tashiro (Photographer), Takehiko Nakafuji (Photographer), Keiko Nomura (Photographer), Keizo Motoda (Photographer)
Site: Annex-A
Admission: ¥ 500 / session (3 sessions: ¥ 1,000, All sessions: ¥1,500)
Capacity: 40
Booking: First-come basis
Satomi Fujimura (Curator at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Lecturer at Tamagawa University)
Satomi Fujimura (b. Tokyo) completed her BA in Art Science at Tama Art University. She has been a curator at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum since 2002 after she worked in the Culture Division at the Sogetsu Hall (Sogetsu Museum). Her work has centered on History of Japanese Contemporary Photography. The major exhibitions on which she has worked on include How Photography Changed People’s Viewpoint – 2. Creation (2005); The Art of Light and Darkness – Photographic Expressions and Technics (2012); and Tomoko Yoneda: We Shall Meet in the Place Where There is no Darkness (2013). The publication she authored is Introduction of history of photography – 2. Creation (Shinchosha, 2005) and co-authored is The Art of Light and Darkness – Photographic Expressions and Technics (Heibonsha, 2012).
Shintaro Sato (Photographer)
Shintaro Sato (b.1969, Tokyo) graduated Tokyo College of Photography and completed his BA in Literature at University of Waseda. He joined Kyodo News and, has became a freelance photographer since 2002. He received the Chiba City Art Culture New Face Award and the Photographic Society of Japan’s Newcomer Award in 2009. In 2012, he received the Hayashi Tadahiko Award.
Kazutomo Tashiro (Photographer)
Kazutomo Tashiro (b.1980, Fukuoka city) completed his Doctorial Programe at Kyusyu Sangyo University. In 2006 he co-founded Asia Photographer’s Gallery in Fukuoka city. He moved his base of work to the photographers’ gallery in Shinjuku, Tokyo in 2010. He received the Miki Jun Inspiration Award in 2006, and he was awarded the Photo City Sagamihara New Figure Encouragement Prize in 2013.
Takehiko Nakafuji (Photographer)
Takehiko Nakafuji (b. 1970, Tokyo) graduated from the photography department of Tokyo Visual Arts after withdrawing from the School of Letters, Arts and Sciences at Waseda University. He had taught at Tokyo Visual Arts as a part-time lecturer for five years since 2010. In addition to his work as a photographer, he runs the Gallery Niepce in Tokyo. He received the Higashikawa Award: Special Photography Award in 2013, and the Hayashi Tadahiko Award in 2015.
Keiko Nomura (Photographer)
Keiko Nomura (b. Hyogo) graduated from Visual Arts Osaka and moved to the United States after withdrawing from the Department of English at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts. She received the Konica Introducing New Generation Photographers Grand Prix in 1997, and the Photographic Society of Japan’s Newcomer Award in 1999. In 2000, she received the Higashikawa Award: New Photographer Award.
Keizo Motoda (Photographer)
Keizo Motoda (b. 1971, Osaka) graduated from Visual Arts Osaka after graduating from the Economics Department of Momoyama Gakuin University. While studying at Visual Arts Osaka, his work was selected for the 1996 Human Streets project organized by Guardian Garden, and he received the Taiyo Award. He has been a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Visual Arts since 1997.