- Day
- Sept. 11 Sunday (1)
- Sept. 12 Monday (1)
- Sept. 30 Friday (3)
- Oct. 1 Saturday (9)
- Oct. 2 Sunday (2)
- Location
- ANNEX-A (7)
- Category
- Special Exhibition (1)
- Workshop (2)
- Relay Talks (3)
- Talk Session, lecture (8)
リレートーク3 - 「2000s」 調文明(写真史研究家・写真批評家)x 小林美香(写真研究者)
15:40 – 16:40
/ ANNEX-A / Relay Talks
スピーカー: 調文明(写真史研究家・写真批評家)、小林美香(写真研究者)
定員:各回 50名
1980年、東京生まれ。日本女子大学ほか非常勤講師。『アサヒカメラ』、『日本カメラ』、『写真画報』、『PHaT PHOTO』などで執筆。論文に「A・L・コバーンの写真における都市表現――三つのニューヨーク・シリーズを中心に――」(『美学芸術学研究』東京大学美学芸術学研究室、2013年)、「御真影と『うつし』」(展覧会カタログ『かげうつし――写映・遷移・伝染――』京都市立芸術大学@KCUA、2013年)、「ジェフ・ウォール――閾を駆るピクトグラファー」(『写真空間4』、青弓社、2010年)など。
国内外の各種学校/機関で写真に関するレクチャー、ワークショップ、展覧会を企画、雑誌に寄稿。2007-08年にAsian Cultural Councilの招聘、及び Patterson Fellow としてアメリカに滞在し、国際写真センター(ICP)及びサンフランシスコ近代美術館で日本の写真を紹介する展覧会/研究活動に従事。2010年より東京国立近代美術館客員研究員、2014年から東京工芸大学非常勤講師を務める。
Relay Talk - “2000s” Bunmei Shirabe (Photography Historian/Critic) x Mika Kobayashi (Photography Researcher)
October 1 (Sat) / 15:40 – 16:40
/ ANNEX-A / Relay Talks
Speakers: Bunmei Shirabe (Photography Historian/Critic), Mika Kobayashi (Photography Researcher)
Site: Annex-A
Admission: ¥ 500(3 sessions: ¥ 1,000)
Capacity: 50
Booking: First-come basis
A talk program that discusses each era of Japanese photography in relay format will be held in conjunction to “The Photobook” exhibition. With graphic designer and publisher Satoshi Machiguchi as chair and moderator, the special conversation series aims to further provide a detailed understanding of the numerous photobooks introduced in the exhibition as well as the context of their background.
Bunmei Shirabe (Photography Historian / Critic)
Bumnei Shirabe (b. 1980, Tokyo) is a photography historian and critic, as well as a lecturer at Japan Women’s University. He has contributed to Asahi Camera, Nippon Camera, Shashin Gaho, PhaT PHOTO. His theses include A・L・コバーンの写真における都市表現――三つのニューヨーク・シリーズを中心に―― (Department of Aesthetics at The University of Tokyo, 2013), 御真影と『うつし』 (the exhibition catalogue Kageutsushi – reflection, transition, Infection, Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery, 2013) and ジェフ・ウォール――閾を駆るピクトグラファー (“Shashin Kukan 4” Seikyusha, 2010).
Mika Kobayashi (Photography Researcher)
Mika Kobayashi is a photo critic and curator who writes for magazines and websites, and has taught at schools and institutions in both Japan and overseas. From 2007 to 2008, she resided in the United States as a grantee of the Asian Cultural Council and Patterson Fellowship, and worked on exhibitions and research to introduce Japanese photography at the International Center of Photography in New York and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She has been a guest researcher at the Museum of Modern Art since 2010, and a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Polytechnic University since 2014.