- Day
- Sept. 29 Friday (4)
- Sept. 30 Saturday (6)
- Oct. 1 Sunday (4)
- Location
- Exhibition Room (12)
- Hillside Cafe (1)
- 日本写真芸術専門学校 (1)
- Category
- Screening (1)
- Artist Talk (1)
- Workshop (2)
- Lecture (3)
- Talk Session (7)

【Talk Session: 9月29日(金)19:00 - 20:30】石内都 × 大澤紗蓉子
9月29日(金) / 19:00 - 20:30
/ Exhibition Room / Sept. 29 Friday / Talk Session
会場:Exhibition Room
参加費:各回500円(3回券 1,000円)
群馬県桐生市生まれ。1999年東京国立近代美術館「時の器」個展。2005年母の遺品シリーズ「Mother’s 2000-2005 未来の刻印」ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ日本代表展示。2008年広島市現代美術館で広島原爆資料館に収蔵されている遺品を作品化した個展「ひろしま-Strings of Time」発表。2012年丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館にて銘仙きものを撮影した個展「絹の夢」を開催。メキシコのフリーダ・カーロ博物館に保管されているフリーダ・カーロの遺品の撮影をする。2013年ロンドン、テートモダンにて収蔵展「絶唱、横須賀ストーリー」、マイケル・ホッペンギャラリーにて「Ishiuchi Miyako」展。2014年ハッセルブラッドセンターにて受賞記念展「The Fabric of Photography」個展、2015年ロサンゼルス,J・ポール・ゲッティ美術館、「横須賀」から「ひろしま」まで個展「Postwar Shadows」。2016年個展「幼き衣へ」島根県立石見美術館。「Frida is」銀座資生堂ギャラリーにて個展。写真集「写真関係」筑摩書房より出版。2017年個展「肌理と写真」横浜美術館で開催予定。
大澤紗蓉子(横浜美術館 学芸員)
群馬県生まれ。2008年、多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科芸術学専攻修了。2012年より現職。主な担当展覧会に「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ 2014」(2014年)、「石田尚志 渦まく光」(2015年)、「荒木悠展 複製神殿」(2016年)などがある。
【Talk Session: September 29 (Fri) 19:00 - 20:30】Ishiuchi Miyako × Osawa Sayoko
September 29 (Fri) / 19:00 - 20:30
/ Exhibition Room / Sept. 29 Friday / Talk Session
Speakers: Ishiuchi Miyako (Photographer), Osawa Sayoko (Assistant Curator at Yokohama Museum of Art)
Site: Exhibition Room
Admission: ¥ 500 / session (3 sessions: ¥ 1,000)
Capacity: 40
Booking: First-come basis
Ishiuchi Miyako (Photographer)
Born in Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture. Ishiuchi had a solo exhibition titled “Time Textured in Monochrome” at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 1999. In 2005, she represented Japan at the Venice Biennale with “Mother’s 2000-2005: Traces of the Future”, for which she photographed her mother’s belongings. In 2008, Ishiuchi released the series “ひろしま/hiroshima” for which she took pictures of belongings left behind by victims of the atomic bomb, which were shown in her solo exhibition titled “ひろしま/hiroshima: Strings of Time” at Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as published as a book. She photographed kimonos of the type known as Meisen, and in 2012 this series, “Silken Dreams”, was featured in her solo exhibition held at the Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art. Ishiuchi also traveled to Mexico to photograph Frida Kahlo’s belongings kept at the Frida Kahlo Museum.
In 2013, her “Yokosuka Story” was shown at the Tate Modern in a collection exhibition, and her solo exhibition titled “Ishiuchi Miyako” was held at the Michael Hoppen Gallery in London. In 2014 Ishiuchi had a solo exhibition titled “The Fabric of Photography” as her Hasselblad Award show at the Hasselblad Center, and in 2015 she held a solo exhibition titled “Postwar Shadows” at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, featuring works ranging from her first series “Yokosuka Story” to her latest one “ひろしま/hiroshima”. In 2016, her solo exhibition titled “Childhood Garments” was held at the Iwami Art Museum, Shimane Prefecture and she held a solo exhibition titled “Frida is” at Shiseido Gallery in Ginza. Her book of photographs “Shashin kankei (About Photography)” was published by Chikuma Shobo. In 2017, her solo exhibition “Grain and Image” will be held at the Yokohama Museum of Art.
Osawa Sayoko (Assistant Curator at Yokohama Museum of Art)
Osawa Sayoko was born in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. In 2008, she graduated from the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tama Art University, and received a Master’s Degree in Art Science. Since 2012, Osawa has been one of the main Assistant Curators of Yokohama Museum of Art. The major exhibitions she took charge are “Yokohama Triennale 2014“ (2014), “ISHIDA Takashi: Billowing Light” (2015), and “Yu Araki: Temple of the Templet” (2016).