- Day
- Sept. 29 Friday (4)
- Sept. 30 Saturday (6)
- Oct. 1 Sunday (4)
- Location
- Exhibition Room (12)
- Hillside Cafe (1)
- 日本写真芸術専門学校 (1)
- Category
- Screening (1)
- Artist Talk (1)
- Workshop (2)
- Lecture (3)
- Talk Session (7)
【Talk Session「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞者 スペシャル・プレゼンテーション: 9月29日(金)17:00 - 18:30】吉田志穂 × 青木陽 × 浦芝眞史 × 佐藤麻優子 × 田中大輔
9月29日(金) / 17:00 - 18:30
/ Exhibition Room / Sept. 29 Friday / Talk Session
会場:Exhibition Room
参加費:各回500円(3回券 1,000円)
1992年千葉県生まれ。東京工芸大学芸術学部写真学科卒業。2014年第11回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞。2017年第11回shiseido art egg入選。個展に「INSTANCE」ガーディアン・ガーデン(東京、2015年)、「測量|山」Yumiko Chiba Associates(東京、2016年)。主なグループ展に「大邱フォトビエンナーレ」Net Photo Festival(韓国、2016年)。
1982年広島県生まれ。早稲田大学第一文学部卒業。東川町国際写真フェスティバル赤レンガ・公開ポートフォリオオーディショングランプリ、第12回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞、TOKYO FRONTLINE PHOTO AWARD #5 準グランプリなど受賞多数。個展に「火と土塊」ギャラリーM84(東京、2014年)、「Inverted Spectrum」ガーディアン・ガーデン(東京、2015年)。
1988年大阪府生まれ。関西大学法学部政治学科、ビジュアルアーツ専門学校・大阪 写真学科卒業。2015年第13回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞。個展に「身体の森で」ガーディアン・ガーデン(東京、2016年)。
1981年大阪府生まれ。2006年resist photo workshop参加。2005年PHaT PHOTO CONTEST ホンマタカシ賞受賞。2016年第15回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞。個展に「かげろう」「漂白」Gallery SHUHARI(東京、2011年)、「ひかりのすきま」Gallery BRICOLAGE(東京、2014年)、「とおくに泳ぐ」Gallery BRICOLAGE(東京、2015年)、「沈黙のこえ」古本遊戯流浪堂(東京、2016年)、「火焔の脈」ガーディアン・ガーデン(東京、2017年)。
【Talk Session "1_WALL" Grand Prize Special Presentation: September 29 (Fri) 17:00 - 18:30】Shiho Yoshida × Yoh Aoki × Masashi Urashiba × Mayuko Sato × Daisuke Tanaka
September 29 (Fri) / 17:00 - 18:30
/ Exhibition Room / Sept. 29 Friday / Talk Session
Speakers: Shiho Yoshida (Photographer), Yoh Aoki (Photographer), Masashi Urashiba (Photographer), Mayuko Sato (Photographer), Daisuke Tanaka (Photographer)
Site: Exhibition Room
Admission: ¥ 500 / session (3 sessions: ¥ 1,000)
Capacity: 40
Booking: First-come basis
Shiho Yoshida (Photographer)
Shiho Yoshida is a Japanese Photographer born in 1992, Chiba prefecture, Japan. She Graduated from Tokyo Polytechnic University received a BA Degree in Photography in the department of Photography. In 2014 she received a Grand Prix at the 11th Photography “1_WALL” exhibition at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2016). She was selected for the 2017 “shiseido art egg 11” exhibition. Her major solo exhibitions are “INSTANCE” at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2015), and “Survey” at Yumiko Chiba Associates, Tokyo (2016), and for one of major group exhibitions she participated is “Daegu Photo Biennale” at Net Photo Festival, Korea (2016).
Yoh Aoki (Photographer)
Yoh Aoki is a Japanese Photographer born in 1982, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from the First Department of Literature, Waseda University. He had received a Grand Prix at “Higashikawa Town International Photography Festival, a Grand Prix at the 12th Photography “1_WALL” exhibition at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2014), and a second prize at TOKYO FRONTLINE PHOTO AWARD #5. Some of his solo exhibitions include “Fire and Colds” at Gallery M84, Tokyo (2014), and “Inverted Spectrum” at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2015).
Masashi Urashiba (Photographer)
Masashi Urashiba is a Japanese photographer born in 1988, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from Kansai University, School of Law, received a BA Degree in the department of Law and Politics. In 2015 he received a Grand Prix at the 13th Photography “1_WALL” exhibition at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2016). He had a solo exhibition “In the Woods of Bodies” at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2016).
Mayuko Sato (Photographer)
Mayuko Sato is a Japanese Photographer born in 1993 in Tokyo, grew up in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. She dropped out the Kuwasawa Design School. In 2016, she received a Grand Prix at the 14th Photography “1_WALL” exhibition at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2016). Her solo exhibitions include “The phantom covered with desires -Yokaiyokumamire-“, at Guardian Garden, Tokyo (2017) and “The phantom covered with desires -Yokaiyokumamire-“ at Exclube, Osaka (2017).
Daisuke Tanaka (Photographer)
Daisuke Tanaka is a Japanese Photographer born in 1981, Osaka, Japan. He joined for the resist photo workshop in 2006. In 2005, he was awarded the Honma Takashi Prize at PHaT PHOTO CONTEST. In 2016, he received a Grand Prix at the 15th “1_WALL” Photography Competition (Guardian Garden, Tokyo). His major solo exhibitions include “Kagerou” and “Hyohaku” (Gallery SHUHARI, Tokyo) in 2011, “Hikari no sukima (Gap of Light)” (Gallery BRICOLAGE, Tokyo) in 2014, “Tooku ni oyogu (Swiming Far Away)” (Gallery BRICOLAGE, Tokyo) in 2015, “Chinmoku no koe (Voice of Silence)” (Rurodo, Tokyo) in 2016 and “The Pulse of Flame” (Guardian Garden, Tokyo) in 2017.