©Hiroshi Nomura Courtesy of POETIC SCAPE

©Hiroshi Nomura Courtesy of POETIC SCAPE

代官山にいるめだまむしをポラロイドカメラで捕まえよう!with 野村浩

9月26日(土) / 10:00〜12:30

/ Kids Workshop

会場: E-Lobby(東京都渋谷区猿楽町29-18ヒルサイドテラスE棟)、ヒルサイドテラス周辺

講師: 野村浩(写真家)

参加費: 3,000円

対象: 小学生

定員: 10名








1995年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究家油画専攻修了。身の回りのありふれたモノに目玉のシールを貼ることで、みる”者”とみられる”モノ”の立場を覆す『EYES』、Googleストリートビューを利用して制作した写真を通して、写真作品と撮影行為の関係性を問い直す『Slash』、『エキスドラ』など、ユニークでPOPな手法ながら、現実と非現実の境界線や、無条件に信じ込んでいる常識、先入観に対し揺さぶりをかける刺激的な作風で知られる。その評価は海外でも高く、2010年エルメスの季刊誌『LE MONDE D’HERMÈS』ゲストページに10ページにわたり『EYES』の作品が掲載された。






10:00 – 10:15 ワークショップの趣旨説明

10:15 – 10:45 オリジナルの目を制作

10:45 – 12:00 代官山の街に出て撮影

12:00 – 12:15 休憩

12:15 – 12:30 感想発表会

12:30   終了













Capture Eyeball Insects Around Daikanyama with a Poraloid Camera! with Hiroshi Nomura

September 26 (Sat) / 10:00am – 12:30pm

/ Kids Workshop

Place: E-Lobby (Hillside Terrace Building E, 29-18 Sarugakucho Shibuya-ku Tokyo) and around Hillside Terrace

Instructor: Hiroshi Nomura (Photographer)

Fee: ¥3,000

Age requirement: Elementary school

Maximum number of participants: 10

Note: This workshop is conducted in Japanese. Prior registration is required.

Book via http://ptix.co/1LYFdEn

Inquiry: event@dpf.tokyo


In photographer Hiroshi Nomura’s ongoing series eyes, he attaches handmade stickers of eyes in various things to render them into living creatures. In this workshop, Nomura will show participating children how to produce similar works using eye stickers. They will walk around Daikanyama and place the magical stickers on various things, shoot them with a Polaroid camera, and take the resulting works home in a special insect cage-shaped frame. After the workshop, participating children may have learned to take better care of the things around them.


*Mirai Tree is an art after-school that provides care for children between the ages of 3 and 12.


Hiroshi Nomura, Photographer

Received M.F.A from the Department of Painting, Graduate School of Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 1995. He is known for using unique, pop methods to produce works that shake up preconceived notions and blur the boundaries between the real and unreal. His best-known works include the series EYES, in which he places stickers of eyes on various objects to trouble the relation between the seer and seen; and Slash, in which he uses photographs made using Google Street View to question the relation between photographic works and the act of shooting photographs. His works have received international acclaim and in 2010, the seasonally published Le Monde d’Hermes dedicated 10 pages to his series EYES.