Riitta Päiväläinen "DUSK From the River Notes Series", 2014 ©Riitta Päiväläinen Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates

Naruki Oshima "haptic green− in pine trees/toward your left", 2013 ©Naruki Oshima Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates

Wataru Yamamoto "Drawing a Line No.1" 2011 ©Wataru Yamamoto Courtesy of Yumiko Chiba Associates
Yumiko Chiba Associates
〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿4-32-6 パークグレース新宿#316
TEL 03-6276-6731
火-土 12:00-19:00
日月祝 休廊
#316 Park Grace Shinjuku bldg., Nishi-Shinjuku 4-32-6, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023 JAPAN
TEL +81-3-6276-6731
Tue-Sat 12:00-19:00
Closed on Sun, Mon and National Holidays
Yumiko Chiba Associates Viewing Room Shinjuku is a commercial gallery launched in 2010 by Yumiko Chiba, who had previously managed and planned exhibitions for the gallery’s artists. The gallery primarily shows works by its roster of artists. Along with these exhibitions, the gallery also organizes discussions and lectures and publishes catalogues and books.
高松次郎 / 植松奎二 / 若江漢字 / 今井祝雄 / 東恩納裕一 / 鷹野隆大 / 植松琢麿 / 山城知佳子 / 中西信洋 / 冨井大裕 / シムラユウスケ / 蔵真墨 / 山本渉 / 小平篤乃生 / 渡辺えつこ / 大島成己 / ベアト・ストロイリ / ドミニク・レイマン / アリ・サールト / リッタ・パイバラネン / エマニュエル・ギヨー / マルティン・ヴァルデ / 他
Jiro Takamatsu / Keiji Uematsu / Kanji Wakae / Norio Imai / Yuichi Higashionna / Ryudai Takano / Takuma Uematsu / Chikako Yamashiro / Nobuhiro Nakanishi / Motohiro Tomii / Yusuke Shimura / Masumi Kura / Wataru Yamamoto / Atsunobu Kohira / Etsuko Watanabe / Naruki Oshima / Beat Streuli / Dominik Lejman / Ari Saarto / Riitta Päiväläinen / Emmanuel Guillaud / Martin Walde and more.

WEB : http://www.ycassociates.co.jp
MAIL : info@ycassociates.co.jp