FAPA サポートメンバー概要
日本のアートフォト・シーンをリードするギャラリー、出版社、書店からなる一般社団法人日本芸術写真協会(FAPA: Fine-Art Photography Association)による様々なプログラムをとおして、アートフォトをお楽しみいただくメンバーシップ・プログラムです。写真ファンの活動を応援するだけでなく、写真をともに楽しみ、学び、語り合う機会をつくり、アートフォトの世界をより一層盛り上げていくことを目的としています。サポートメンバーには、フォトフェアをはじめ、アーティスト・トーク、ワークショップなどのプログラムに関する特典をご用意しています。
FAPA Support Membership
The Fine-Art Photography Association (hereafter FAPA) is a general incorporated association comprising the leading galleries, publishers, and booksellers of the Japanese art photography scene. FAPA provides a wide range of programs for its members to enjoy art photography. FAPA aims not only to foster and support photography enthusiasts but also to create opportunities for everyone to enjoy, learn, and discuss the photographic arts, and to promote and further establish the art photography scene. Support members enjoy benefits including exclusive access and discounts to the annual photo fair, artist talks, workshops, and other events.
入会金 5,000円
年会費 10,000 円(1 年毎更新)
メンバーズカード+9 つの特典をご用意
Support Membership
Registration Fee ¥5,000
Annual Fee ¥10,000
Membership Card + 9 Benefits
サポートメンバー 9 つの特典
(1) 代官山フォトフェア(年間1 回開催)へ無料入場+オープニング・レセプションご招待
世界的に活躍するフォトグラファーやアーティストと共に歩み、シーンを牽引してきたギャラリー、書店、出版社が集い、アートフォト、フォトブックの魅力を伝える FAPA主催のアートフェアにご招待します。
(1) Free admission to the annual Daikanyama Photo Fair and invitation to the opening reception.
As a support member, you will be invited to FAPA’s annual Daikanyama Photo Fair, which brings together galleries, booksellers, and publishers, who lead the photography scene alongside internationally recognized artists and photographers, to communicate the appeal of art photography and photography books.
*Applicable up to two persons including the membership-cardholder
(2) トーク(年間4〜5 回開催)へ参加無料
過去のトーク:細江英公 x 川田喜久治 x 丹野章 x 金子隆一/石内都 x アマンダ・マドックス /森山大道 x 清水穣/北野謙 x 村越としや x 新井卓 x 増田玲 ほか
(2) Free admission to the Artist Talk (to be held 4 or 5 times a year)
You will also be invited to our artist talks, which will be given by Japan’s best known and up-and-coming photographers, curators, critics and collectors, who lead the art photography scene. The talks are a great way to learn of current, past and future trends in photography both in Japan and abroad.
Past lineups include Eiko Hosoe and Kikuji Kawada; Akira Tanno and Kaneko Ryuichi; Miyako Ishiuchi and Amanda Maddox; Daido Moriyama and Minoru Shimizu; and Ken Kitano, Toshiya Murakoshi, Takashi Arai and Rei Masuda.
(3) ワークショップ(年間2〜3回開催)へご優待
(3) Discounted admission to workshops (to be held 2 or 3 times a year)
Support members receive discounted admissions to FAPA workshops, which provide an opportunity to experience the technique and process of creating photographic works of art under the supervision of experts.
Past workshops include collotype printing with Kyoto Benrido; platinum printing with amanasalto; and gelatin silver printing with Shashin-kosha.
(4) ポートフォリオ・レヴュー(年間1〜2 回開催)の参加費が50% オフ
(4) 50% off admission to portfolio reviews (1 or 2 times a year)
Support members receive 50% off admission to FAPA portfolio reviews, in which FAPA members review participants’ works.
(5) 展覧会(年間2 回開催)へ無料入場
FAPAが企画する写真展にご招待します。FAPA ならではの切り口と作品群によって、新たなアートフォトとの出会いをご提供します。
(5) Free admission to exhibitions (2 times a year)
Support members are invited to FAPA-organized photography exhibitions. The exhibitions present FAPA’s unique take on photography, and aim to open a new world of art photography for its viewers.
※Applicable to the membership-cardholder only
(6) 写真フェスティバル、フェアのオープニング・レセプション(年間2〜3 回開催)ご招待
FAPA が参加する写真フェスティバル、フェアのオープニング・レセプションにご招待します。国内外、企画毎に様々なアプローチで語られるアートフォトの魅力を体験いただけます。
(6) Invitation to festivals and fairs’ opening receptions (2 or 3 a year)
Support members will be invited to opening receptions held for FAPA-organized photography festivals and fairs, which will pick up both domestic and international artists from various angles to express the appeal of art photography.
※Applicable to the membership-cardholder only
(7) FAPA フォトブックの無料購読(年間2 冊発行)
FAPA 会員とアーティストが手がける、限定フォトブックをお届けします。著名作家の未出版作品から気鋭作家の実験作までをフィーチャーし、アートフォト、フォトブックの魅力を伝えます。フォトブックの購入で、入会初年度*の年会費が無料となります。
(7) Complimentary subscription to semi-annually published FAPA Photobooks
Support members will receive a series of limited edition photobooks produced by FAPA gallery members and artists. From unpublished works of prominent photographers to challenging and captivating works of emergent artists, FAPA’s photobooks convey the appeal of art photography and photobooks. The first year annual support membership fee*4 will be waived with the purchase of a photobook.
*4 The annual membership runs for one year from the date that your application is processed.
(8) FAPA ウェブサイト・メンバーページへのアクセス
(8) Access to member exclusive content on the FAPA website
Support members have exclusive access to FAPA’s online archives including transcripts of the artist talks.
(9) メールマガジン
(9) E-mail Magazine
You will be kept up-dated on the art photography and photobook scenes, with news from FAPA member galleries, publishers, and booksellers, as well as the further details about FAPA’s programs.
オンライン決済で入会金、年会費をお支払い(PayPal 決済ページへ)
FAPA メンバーシップ・プログラムをお楽しみ下さい!
Becoming a FAPA Support Member
Click the "Join the Support Membership" botton below.
Start your pre-registration.
Fill in the required information on the application form.
Complete the pre-registration.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail via the e-mail address you register. A login ID and the password will be sent with the confirmation email.
You will automatically log-in to the membership page. Confirm your registration information and select a payment method.
Pay the registration and annual fees online via PayPal.
Finish application procedure.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail via the e-mail address you register.
The membership card will be delivered to the address you register.
Enjoy the FAPA Membership programs and benefits!