【 fapa Portfolio Review 】
【 お申込方法 】
【 概要 】
日程:2016年12月17日(土)、18日(日)11:00 – 15:30
会場:IMA CONCEPT STORE(東京都港区六本木5-17-1 AXISビル3F)
参加費:4レビュー 30,000円(税込)(fapaサポートメンバー特別価格:15,000円)
【 レビュワー 】
‐ 天野太郎 Taro Amano (横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野) *諸事情により不参加となりました。
‐ 綾智佳 Tomoka Aya (The Third Gallery Aya)
‐ 千葉由美子 Yumiko Chiba (Yumiko Chiba Associates)
‐ 萩原ゆかり Yukari Hagiwara (HAGIWARA PROJECTS)
‐ 石田克哉 Katsuya Ishida (MEM)
‐ 石井孝之 Takayuki Ishii (Taka Ishii Gallery)
‐ 菊竹寛 Yutaka Kikutake (YKG / Yutaka Kikutake Gallery)
‐ 小原真史 Masashi Kohara (IZU PHOTO MUSEUM)
‐ 小松整司 Seiji Komatsu (EMON PHOTO GALLERY)
‐ 松本綾子 Ayako Matsumoto (nap gallery)
– 三井圭司 Keishi Mitsui (東京都写真美術館)
– 丹羽晴美 Harumi Niwa (東京都写真美術館)
‐ 高橋朗 Sayaka Takahashi (PGI)
【 fapa Portfolio Review 】
The Fine Art Photography Association (fapa) will hold its first portfolio review, inviting leading professionals from Japan’s photography field as reviewers. This program, initiated by the Association that enlists support towards young photographers as one of its founding objectives, aims to nurture the will of photographers working both within Japan and abroad in hopes to provide opportunities that would lead to their further progression.
【 Overview 】
Dates: December 17 (Sat), 18 (Sun), 2016 11:00 – 15:30
Venue: IMA CONCEPT STORE (5-17-1, Axis building 3F Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo)
Fee: 4 Reviews 30,000yen (tax included) (special fee for fapa support members: 15,000yen)
Schedule: The reviews consist of a 20 minutes review and a 10 minutes interval.
Application deadline: October 15 (Sat), 2016
※Due to the limited seats applicants will be selected based on the project submitted.
【 How to Apply 】
1. Please apply via E-mail ( by providing the necessary information as listed below.
*Name, email address, school/business/institution, address, phone number, date of birth, title of submitted works, statement (within 500 words)
*Images of works (number: 5~10, file size: up to 1MB per image, file format: JPEG)
*A list of 4 Preferences for reviewers
2. Once the application has been received, a confirmation email will be sent.
3. Selected applicant will receive an email to proceed payment.
4. After payment has been received, an email confirming participation will be sent.
5. Information regarding the day’s schedule will be sent.
【 Reviewers 】
‐ Taro Amano (Yokohama Civic Gallery Azamino)
‐ Tomoka Aya (The Third Gallery Aya)
‐ Yumiko Chiba (Yumiko Chiba Associates)
‐ Yukari Hagiwara (HAGIWARA PROJECTS)
‐ Katsuya Ishida (MEM)
‐ Takayuki Ishii (Taka Ishii Gallery)
‐ Yutaka Kikutake (YKG / Yutaka Kikutake Gallery)
‐ Masashi Kohara (IZU PHOTO MUSEUM)
‐ Seiji Komatsu (EMON PHOTO GALLERY)
‐ Ayako Matsumoto (nap gallery)
– Keishi Mitsui (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum)
– Harumi Niwa (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum)
‐ Sayaka Takahashi (PGI)