
© Yoshitomo Nara / Courtesy of Taka Ishii Gallery Photography / Film and Pace Gallery

Collections of Artists

時間:11:00 - 21:00(但し最終日は17:00まで)

コレクション 【collection】
① 美術品・骨董品・切手などを趣味として集めること。また、集められたもの。収集。
② 高級衣裳店やデザイナーが、そのシーズン用に発表する作品。また、その発表会。




第5回となる代官山フォトフェアでは、そうした写真作品と表現者、鑑賞者の交差する関係性を問い直す試みとして「Collections of Artists」展を開催します。日々、表現行為と向き合い続ける“アーティスト”の眼を通して写真の魅力を探るべく、美術家、写真家、デザイナーが、その鍛え抜かれた感性で「コレクション」することを決めた写真作品を紹介します。


Collections of Artists

Dates: September 28 Fri. – 30 Sun., 2018
Times: 11:00 - 21:00 (11:00 - 17:00 on the last day)
Site: Daikanyama Hillside Plaza

(1) To get and keep things of one type, such as art, antiques, or stamps as a hobby. Something collected. An accumulation.
(2) Pieces that are presented seasonally by a high-end clothing retailer or designer. The event in which those pieces are presented.


Of any collectible artwork, photographs are the produced through methods most familiar to the general public. Due to this feature of the medium, photography has become indispensable for the private and public expression, recording, sharing, communication, and passing on of a variety of “content” and the boundaries between the producers and receivers of photographic expression have also become blurred.

At the same time, the history of art photography began with documentation and portraiture and the denial of Pictorialism, and it is also the history of artists who have continually explored the uniqueness of the medium for art production and representation. As photographs came to be avidly collected as artworks, the medium created some of the most important trends in modern art history and its value has appreciated accordingly. The collectors of photographs and photo books have confirmed the concepts of not only art photography, but also the “punctum” that draws viewers to it, as facts.


The 5th daikanyama photo fair will present its “Collection of Artists” exhibition to reconsider the relations between photographic works, artists and viewers. The exhibition will feature photographic works that were collected by artists, designers and photographers to examine the attraction of photographs through eyes that confront the expressive act daily.

We hope that this exhibition, which comprises works carefully selected, and filtered, through highly sophisticated sensibilities, will promote conversations between artists and viewers regarding the creative act and help fine-art photography and photographic expression grow and evolve.